Which comes first?
The age old question!
On a just about any homestead, the chicken (actually the hen) has to be first. The hen is the means of production. The egg is the product. The hen lays the egg, then the hand takes the egg and brings it to its place of use. Will it be fried, preserved, or put in the batter of a birthday cake?
The point is that the hen had to be raised from a chick, fed and kept safe, and after a time, the egg came.
Not that a Proverbs 31 homestead has to have chickens, or even eggs. But it has in common with all homesteads that it is a place for human beings to produce useful things. Homesteads are not merely warehouses for the end products of others’ productivity to be used solely by those whose names are on the title deed. They are places where things are acted upon by unique human hands and unique human creativity so they can be enjoyed by all those who dwell or visit there.
This takes time and work. This is a special privilege: stewardship over certain gifts like husbands, children and brothers and sisters in Christ. It is stewardship over natural processes that come directly from the Creator of the Universe. Even something as small as sprouting seeds. It is a sacred trust from Him.
The distinctives of a Proverbs 31 homestead
- The first distinctive of a Proverbs 31 homestead is that it is necessarily the domain of women. Proverbs 31:10-31 is written to women, particularly to wives. Does this mean that she can be excused from submitting to her husband as she stewards her home? Basic principles of Bible reading (known as hermeneutics) require that we look at this through the lens of what all scripture teaches about the roles of husbands and wives. Scripture is interpreted by other scripture.Therefore, in all things the wife submits to the leadership of her own husband, (Ephesians 5:22, 25, Colossians 3:18, and many others, ) There is no wall around a Proverbs 31 homestead that excludes the husband or demands authority for herself that God clearly gives him. But a godly husband will recognize that the Lord clearly highlights homemaking as the woman’s special place of dominion (Titus 2:2-5, Proverbs 31:10-31). Just as she rejoices in his provision and protection of her and the family, he should rejoice in the beauty, comfort and delight of what she creates there!
- The second distinctive implies belief in the hearts of women who are the under-shepherdesses of it, in the overarching presence and good purpose of God. It is God who sprouts the seeds. The woman needs to know that only Christ can save her from her sins, not her great skills. She must seek the will of God as she ponders how to use His gifts to her. For the believer in Christ, no matter what gifts come into your home, they are all given by God for your use.It is this mindset that makes Proverbs 31 Homesteading unique. It is this mindset that transforms simple produce that lasts only for a short time into offerings to Him that have eternal potential to glorify Him.
The definition:
A Proverbs 31 homestead is above all else a literal place to dwell where a woman, under God’s ultimate authority, takes a special kind of God-given dominion for God’s glory.
So first, some general terms. What does homestead actually mean?
“A homestead is a house and surrounding land owned by a family — often, it includes a farmhouse.
Most people have homes, but not everyone has a homestead: that means your family owns more than a house. The homestead often consists of a farmhouse and land devoted to crops or animals. You’ll find a lot more homesteads in rural areas than in cities. Often, a homestead is passed down from parents to children for generations.”
This description is useful because it is a good one for the nuts and bolts of a homestead, which of course is blessed and greatly strengthened by the work of a husband! The very word husband implies an overarching partnership where he is the head:
However, a woman does not need to be married to a farmer or have outbuildings and farm equipment to have a Proverbs 31 homestead to steward.
A Proverbs 31 Homestead is a mindset from a godly character
As we understand these definitions, we see that the Proverbs 31 Homestead is defined by scripture more narrowly what is commonly thought of as a homestead.
It implies an eternal mindset. Ideally, this is also the mindset of her husband and family. They definitely can and should work together, and sometimes jobs overlap. Probverbs 31 is not some rule book of jobs that only women or only men can do. But it is a guide book. Following it requires faith that it is God’s word specifically to women.
Here, we are looking at her domain. Liberal theologians who try to make Proverbs 31:10-31 or Titus 2:3-5 not specific to women of all time are robbing us of a great treasure! Don’t let them. Read your Bible for what it plainly says and believe it.
Because Proverbs 31 homesteading is about a home place primarily devoted to the glory of God, it can thrive anywhere a Christian woman dwells. Her work can be viewed as an outworking of what is in her heart.
The marks of character outlined in the excellent wife of Proverbs 31: 10-31 produce tangible expressions of Christian love in and from the home: charity, generosity, hard work, servanthood, humility, kindness, trustworthiness. These things, when they blossom in women that claim Christ as their Savior, produce eternal fruit.
Single women like Mary and Martha
This definition encompasses single women because the Bible contains examples of single women and widows who embodied the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman. God wires all women to be nurturers and mothers in some way, whether they are married or single. In the Bible we have the example of Mary and Martha (among others) both apparently single women who lived with their brother Lazarus. Both extended hospitality to Jesus who apparently returned to their home often.
One time, in fact, Martha served so hard and so much she became weary and resentful.
40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-41)
It is not always easy or delightful
In the above account, Jesus told Martha to rest (in her own home!) and hear His life-giving words. What a supreme example of Proverbs 31 Homesteading this is, using her home for His glory!
In spite of Martha getting frazzled, however, the home of Mary and Martha becomes a place of rest and feeding for to those who came to their house sit at Jesus’ feet. Wow. This way of looking at it gives a “Martha” the joy of a “Mary”. A wise Proverbs 31/Titus 2 woman, when weary and spent, spend a lot of time at Jesus’ feet learning of Him.
So by this time I trust you can see that whether a Proverbs 31 homestead has a milk cow or outbuildings is not the point.
This is the point; when the work of a woman’s hands lovingly serves a family or others, she becomes a tool in the hand of almighty God.
Use what God has given you
Do you live in a small apartment? Are you single? Do you think you are too young or too old? Is pride keeping you from opening your home? Is resentment over your lot in life keeping you from serving your family or others with grace?
Think about what God has given you. Can you rejoice in your blessings instead of focusing on what you don’t have? Could you provide fellowship and comfort to someone who needs it? How about your husband and children?
Get out the pretty paper plates and turn on the tea kettle. Celebrate everything you can celebrate!
I will never forget an impromptu fresh strawberry and peanut butter sandwich I was served in a sister’s kitchen. The floor of that kitchen was peeling linoleum and sloped and the table was old and far from shiny. ButI still remember how luscious that sandwich was, and how safe, at peace and loved I felt.
The smallest thing can be the biggest thing.
What could your home be for the glory of God?
There are many articles out there about women and home have the word “duty” and “role”. Feminists use these words to describe homemaking as drudgery, but some conservative Christians also describe a subservient role in the home as a cross women must bear.
This is tantamount to accusing God of thinking less of women. If you can begin to look around prayerfully and ask the Lord to show you how you could use your roof and four walls for His glory and kingdom, let it be with hope and expectation that He will show you!
It is highly recommended that you also read Proverbs 31:10-31 and Titus 2:3-5 to see the importance and scope of the dominion He has given you! It is a vast and beautiful dominion.
What God said to the Serpent and promised Eve after the Fall
Such a sad time. Think about it. Adam and Eve had lost paradise eating the forbidden fruit. The light had grown dim. Our first parents were cringing in darkness and shame before Almighty God.
And he (God) said to the serpent in Genesis 3:14-15,
“Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”
Raising children in a Proverbs 31 homestead
God said the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent. That means, potentially, her children and grandchildren all the way down to when Jesus comes back.
He didn’t say they would necessarily learn how to milk a cow or gather eggs. It would be great if they did. But see what God singled out as the job of those entrusted with the seed of the woman.
It must be noted that commentators commonly understand “the seed of the woman” to be Christ. However, the apostle Paul extends this; in Christ we are all serpent-head crushers. This is Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit at the end of the book of Romans, !6:19-20, with this promise from God:
19 For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. 20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
Raising little serpent-head crushers
In light of this, as women in Christ, along with our husbands, we see the amazing privilege. We get to influence our own seed by raising them!
Does that give you an idea of the MAGNITUDE of this job at home? Your raising children is one of the pinnacles of the job the Lord has given you. Teaching the gospel and all of scripture to your children is one of the most important jobs in the universe. Do you really want to farm that out to someone else? Who besides you loves their souls like you do?
And for you single women, pray that the Lord will lead you to some children to influence for Christ. They may not be your biological children, but if they someday believe the gospel, they are indeed”seed of the woman”. And future serpent-head crushers. Think of what older saints in church have meant to you when you were young.
You can do this for someone else’s children. You may have many, many spiritual children and eventually even grandchildren!
Think of how the Lord used Amy Carmichael’s singleness. There are so many children–millions–who need a loving older woman to teach them about Jesus, or just spend time and attention on them.
Bottom line is…God’s glory!
The home is your domain, sister. Are you at this moment needing to work outside of it more than you want? We ask God for everything else–ask Him to miraculously make a way for you to serve Him in the dominion He has given you! He is a miracle working God who can move mountains. Are you financially unable? Ask Him to give you ideas for money-making entrepreneurial work inside your homestead. It might not happen overnight; it could be by degrees, but don’t stop asking Him.
Do you cringe at being home and doing homemaking things? Ask Him for the desire to do what He has fashioned you to do. Doesn’t it make sense that doing what you were made to do would end up bringing you joy and lack of regret at the end of your life?
This is an awesome calling. Take dominion in every corner of your calling! Bring your Proverbs 31 Homestead with you when you deliver a loaf of fresh sourdough, or fetch food from afar. Do everything with purpose and prayers for divine appointments with a lost and dying world, inside and outside your domain.
Beautify your precious home with the aroma of baking bread and roast chicken and flowers from your garden. Or fake flowers from Wal-mart.
But most of all beautify it with the aroma of Christ.
This is your home. Give it all you’ve got. Be a Proverbs 31 Homesteader.
- Find out how we got back to Proverbs 31 Homesteading. Here is Part 1
- Read the continuation of how we got back to Proverbs 31 Homesteading in Part 2
- Want to learn more? Check out Resources !!!
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